Friday, November 30, 2007

Is it just the natural human predeliction for greener grass on the other side that sends my thoughts careening through paths that I feel my life will noe never be able to take? Or have my eyes opened to the fact that what I have fought for and now slyly acheived is far less than my fertile imagination had promised it would be? Perhaps this is fitting retribution for the selfish lies I have said to feed that fantasy. With my hands wrapped around a dream, I floated too far away from the familiar, the safe and the accepted to ever come back. And yet as that dream slowly crystalized into reality, I realized that I was falling at a fast clip towards a lifetime dedicated to disappointment and self-recrimination. I am heading there now - the hard truth of my choices rushing up to meet me with deadly force. And rather than face that spectre, I want to anchor myself to another dream - this time even more prepostrous - of returning to my roots, of cocooning myself in safety, familiarity and acceptance. I struggle to remind myself why I had scorned that in the first place, but all my stubborn mind wants to bring up is the satisfied smile on faces dearly beloved, the warmth of a choice well received, the slumber of one not riddled with myriad guilty secrets. There is a part of me that screams in warning - telling me to not dare forget the hollow emptiness of dreams discarded, the climbing frustration of sacrifices made at enormous prices taken for granted - almost demanded, of the possibility of a far from story book ending of which I have already had a poisonous taste. The venom of that experience must be fading from my blood, for I no longer can use my righteous outrage and sorrow as a sheild against the entreaties of those whom I have never denied before. And yet - when I followed my foolish dream to escape the system, I unwittingly made commitments to a life I now find myself afraid to lead. While I no longer beleive there is much pain to be suffered by another - for a lot of the emotion had been as much a figment of my imagination as my "happily ever after" - I still quail at the thought of looking my mistake in the eye. And once turned back, what if my stupid mind trows up roadblocks and regrets again? Perhaps I am fated to forever stand at the mouth of the crossroads alone - undecided and fearful of each, yet coveting both destinations.


The Avenger !!! said...
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The Avenger !!! said...

you are not alone (sounds poetic isn't it) rather you decided to be alone.

nothing can hurt you more than you decide, if memories are pain full find stuff to do to keep yourself busy and you will remain happy.

sure you do go back, but shrug your shoulders, smile and know you did your best and move on.

don't forget you took a stance based on the circumstances so then why regret

take it as it comes and make yourself stronger with each passing moment.

tomorrow 29 years of my existence will be tested in about 4 hours, i am shit scared and anxious but what the heck, move on man, life is rolling :)

Anonymous said...

Another open ended blog. Dang, lol, are you related to Sir Conan Doyle or his peers? If I could suggest something why not try a different style in your next blog, being cheerful for once :), for making it this far, for getting the mountain move to an.